Friday, July 07, 2006

SCOTLAND - Edinburgh

Art galleries, museums galore...
National Portrait Gallery and National gallery... great to lose track of time in.
Abbey ruins attached to Palace and royal gardens

Holyrood Palace. Queeny wasn't in when I knocked for a cuppa...out walking the corgies!

Princes Park. (divides Old and New town)
Was an old Loch which cut through the town, gathering raw sewerage etc centuries ago...hence the name given to Ed 'Old Reekie' it reeked! Was drained and now beautiful peaceful park.
Inside Great Hall
Oldest part of castle. 12thC...St.Margarets Chapel...very sweet.
great Scot!...wee Jimmeh' on show outside the castle entrance.

EDINBURGH CASTLE. Glorious weather..really blessed.

A day or two to explore before and after tour so ended up here!
Arthurs Seat..volcanic core by Ed city....what an awesome 360 degree view!


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